The National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), established in 1982 by the Government of India under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, is an institutional mechanism to help promote knowledge driven and technology intensive enterprises. The Board, having representations from socio-economic and scientific Ministries/Departments, aims to convert "job-seekers" into "job-generators" through Science & Technology (S&T) interventions.

- To promote and develop high-end entrepreneurship for S&T manpower as well as self-employment by utilising S&T infrastructure and by using S&T methods.
- To facilitate and conduct various informational services relating to promotion of entrepreneurship.
- To network agencies of the support system, academic institutions and Research & Development (R&D) organisations to foster entrepreneurship and self-employing using S&T with special focus on backward areas as well.
- To act as a policy advisory body with regard to entrepreneurship.
Training Programs
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC)
With a view to expose students as well as faculty of academic institutions, offering degree/diploma courses in S&T, to entrepreneurship as an alternative career, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs) are conducted by nodal agencies in each State/Union Territory of the country. The implementing agency is usually either an educational institution or a professional body specialising in entrepreneurship development. Each Camp, of 3 days duration, is conducted in the premises of an academic institution and aims at creating awareness among students about various facets of entrepreneurship while highlighting the merits of pursuing such a career option. In each EAC, about 75 students are exposed to different aspects of entrepreneurship, including opportunity guidance, services offered by agencies of support system etc. A visit to the industries located in the region is also arranged to bring the students in direct touch with practicing entrepreneurs.

Program Objective
To create awareness among faculty and students of Engineering and Science courses about various facets of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option as also to highlight the merits of pursuing such an option

Experts are mostly drawn from local or nearby institutions including practicing entrepreneurs with educational background in Science and Technology.
Suggested Schedule for Entrepreneurship Camp.

Target Group
Science and Technology graduates/ diploma holders or those who are doing their final year diploma/degree in engineering/technology/science
Within the premises of an academic institution

Three days

Entrepreneurship Development Program / Women Entrepreneurship Development Program
An Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP/ WEDP), of 6-8 weeks duration, aims at training the S&T graduates and the diploma holders in the essentials of conceiving, planning, initiating and launching an economic activity or an enterprise successfully.
The programme content includes class room training on essentials of entrepreneurship survey of the prevalent socio - economic scenario, identification of business opportunities, role and function as well as schemes of assistance offered by various constituents of the support system, preparation of a technically feasible and economically viable project report, Achievement Motivation Training and also the nuances of management of an enterprise. Sessions on technology and finance are also arranged, depending upon the nature of project selected.
Special EDPs are being conducted with more emphasis on linkages with R&D institutions to take up projects based on indigenous technologies and services, in the area of high technology, such as leather, plastics, bio-medical equipment, high speed data communication and other emerging areas of technology.

Faculty Development Programme
Guidelines for Conducting Faculty Development Programme (FDP)