ITSEC Newsletter "Reflection" Mechanical & Civil Engineering

ITSEC Newsletter
Reflection, Vol 2, 2021
From The Desk of H.O.D. (ME & Civil Department)
Dear Readers
Last three decades have been very significant as far as the impact of Technology on Society is concerned. Ability to send information of any type, anywhere, and anytime has altered the way societies live and transact their businesses, be it education, production of goods, selling of goods, entertainment, managing house hold, education, information transaction between individuals, individual to masses, health care, governance etc. Every aspect of social order is getting affected, this is only the beginning of changes in a Technology driven Society. What technology holds for the Society is any one’s guess? Some of the scientists and thinkers have tried to predict what science and technology holds for us, say by 2030. Michio Kaku (Great Physicist of our time) expresses in his book ‘Physics of the Future’ and video lecture ‘The world in 2030’ (You Tube), a glimpse of technology driven society and our role in it. This is just decade plus away.
To stay relevant as an engineer, or as a technologist, or as a scientist in tomorrow’s society is not going to be easy for any student. Therefore, effective utilisation of four years for any student in the institute has become very crucial. One can choose to improve upon their class room participation by doing following:
- Asking questions.
- Studying together.
- Not blaming your Professor.
- Being prepared to work hard but know your limits.
- Getting involved with the work.
- Taking notes. (Do not use electronic devices)
- Taking pride in your work.
- Not under estimating yourself.
Above points will help you in grooming yourself with the set of skills that will be imperative for engineers of tomorrow.
I welcome faculty members and undergraduate students who have joined the department during the current academic year. I hope they value their time and utilise departmental facilities optimally. The focus of assessment has been ‘outcome based education (OBE)’. Let’s have good time during the semester. Good luck and Good Bye.
Dr. Sanjay Yadav (H.O.D. ME & CE Department)

To be recognized as a centre of excellence to produce skilled, creative and ethical engineers to meet the challenging requirements of Mechanical industries.
M-1: To provide quality technical education in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
M-2: Making Mechanical Engineering department preferable destination for admissions.
M-3: To create competent professionals who are trained in the design & implementation of Mechanical Systems.
M-4: To provide continuous improvement in quality of academics and creating professional ethical values.
M-5: Making Mechanical Engineering department a learning and responsive centre through learning centric approach.
M-6: To promote the centre of excellence in teaching and to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity among faculty and students.

Program Objectives
PEO-1: To prepare competent Mechanical Engineering graduates with strong Mathematics, Basic Science and Engineering fundamentals for successful career in Industry/Research and Development/ Entrepreneurship /Higher studies.
PEO-2: To provide students the in-depth knowledge and skills to identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering problems related to applied mechanics and design, fluid mechanics and thermal science, manufacturing and industrial engineering.
PEO-3: To develop the students’ analytical, scientific and engineering depth to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret the data related to Mechanical Engineering.
PEO-4: To develop self motivated graduates with the ability to excel in multi disciplinary group, both as team members and as leaders to comprehend and analyze engineering problems and relating them with real life situations.
PEO-5: To inculcate effective communication and interpersonal skills through creating an opportunity to work in group with a broad understanding of the ethics of the profession and respect for intellectual property.
PEO-6: To develop self-learning ability in Mechanical Engineering graduates by inculcating the philosophy of continuous learning and innovation for career advancement

Program Outcomes
PO-1: Ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering fundamentals for the solution of mechanical engineering problems.
PO-2: Graduate will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and analyze problems related to applied mechanics and design, fluid and thermal science, manufacturing and industrial Engineering.
PO-3: Graduate will demonstrate their ability to design mechanical systems, conduct experiments with mechanical systems, analyze and interpret the data.
PO-4: Graduate will be familiar with modern engineering tools and software for solving mechanical engineering problems.
PO-5: Graduate will be aware of ethical, social and environmental aspect of engineering solutions on the society.
PO-6: Graduate will be able to communicate effectively along with the ability to perform as an individual or leader in multidisciplinary team.
PO-7: Graduate will demonstrate the knowledge of managerial and professional skills for successful implementation of projects.
PO-8: Graduate will demonstrate their ability of self-learning in technological changing environment along with the ability to perform in competitive examinations and tests.
· 49 students successfully completed the NPTEL Certification in May, 2019.
· 38 students successfully completed the NPTEL Certification in Dec, 2019.
· 2nd year Mechanical Engineering students completed 4 week summer internship program for "AutoCad & Solidwork" from 10/06/2019 to 05/07/2019
· Mr. Brijesh Kumar and Student Alqma Raza (ME 2015-19 Batch) has successfully completed the NPTEL Certificate course on “Mechanics of Machining” from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati in Elite Category (top 5% of certified candidates).
Following Students win the prize in AKTU ZONAL LEVEL FEST
Event Name : Project Exhibition
Position: First Prize
Students: Mr. Narsinga Ram ( 2nd Year - B.Tech CE) & Mr. Nitesh Kumar Singh ( 2nd Year - B.Tech CE)
Mentor : Mr. Praveen Kumar Yadav (Assistant Professor - CE)
Event Name : Robo War
Position: First Prize
Students : Mr. Syed Yusuf Amin ( 3rd Year - B.Tech ME) & Syed Faisal Hussain ( 3rd Year - B.Tech ME)
Mentor: Mr. Mahip Singh (Assistant Professor - ME)
· All students of Mechanical Engineering Department take part in Project making and Poster Presentation in Techtrix -2019.
· Many Students of Mechanical Engineering are working on projects UNDER NEW GEN IEDC CELL.
Mechanical Engineering 3rd Year Students made E - Smart bike and win the 1ST Prize in Techtrix-2019 and university Technical fest 2019 and also win 2nd prize in Dr. Kalam startup Parikrama Edition 29 Pitching competition.





Techtrix – 2019 ( ME DEPARTMENT, 18 OCT. 2019)
Faculty Corner
· Akant Kumar Singh and Siddhartha, “Development and investigation on transmission efficiency of functionally graded materials based Polybutylene terephthalate spur gears”, Journal of Engineering Tribology, DOI: 10.1177/1350650119886233, 2019. Accepted. (I-MechE UK, A SCIE Journal, Impact Factor: 1.137). ISSN: 1350-6501: 1350-6501: 1350-6501: 1350-6501: 1350-6501
· Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha and Sanjay Yadav, “Mechanical and Fracture peculiarity of polypropylene-based functionally graded materials manufactured via injection molding”, International Polymer Processing, 34(5), 573-585, 2019. (Carl Hanser Verlag Germany, A SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 0.942). ISSN: 0930-777X
· Akant Kumar Singh and Siddhartha, “An investigation on the mechanical and thermal performance of a novel functionally graded materials based thermoplastic composites”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0892705718805124 (Sage Publications UK, A SCIE Journal, Impact Factor: 1.343) ISSN: 0892-7057
· Akant Kumar Singh, Sanjay Yadav, Siddhartha “A comparative analysis of transmission efficiency of Polyamide 66 spur gears meshing with similar and dissimilar gear material”, International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering Oct. 18th – 19th, 2019 at KIET Ghaziabad.
· Bhupesh Ojha “Geometry optimization of magneto rheological damper based magnetic saturation”, International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering Oct. 18th – 19th, 2019 at KIET Ghaziabad.
· Akant Kumar Singh, Sanjay Yadav, Siddhartha “Mechanical peculiarity of nano BN filled polyester based homogeneous nanocomposites and their FGMs – A comparative study”, 2nd International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME - 2019), May 03-05, 2019 at GL Bajaj Engineering College Greater Noida.
· Sanjay Yadav, Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha “Optimization of the operating parameters to minimize gear tooth wear rate and surface temperature of glass fiber filled HDPE based homogeneous and FGM gears”, 2nd International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME - 2019), May 03-05, 2019 at GL Bajaj Engineering College Greater Noida.
· Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Sanjay Yadav, Prashant Kumar Singh “Transmission efficiency of functionally graded material based HDPE spur gears”, 9th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2019), March 08-10, 2019 at GRIET, Hyderabad, ISSN No.: 2214-7853.
· Amit Kumar Gupta, Madan Mohan Puram. “Fabrication of composites(AA-6083-T6/SiC) by using Friction Stir Processing”. Published in International conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering from 18-19 October 2019.
· Aseem Mishra, Harsh Gupta. “Group Preventive maintenance Model for Multi-unit series system: A TLBO Algorithm Based Approach”. Published in International conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering from 18-19 October 2019.
· Brijesh Kumar and Chetan Dixit. “Experimental Investigation of Parameters which affects the leakage flux in Magnetic Particle testing”. Published in International conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering from 18-19 October 2019.
FDP on “Next Generation Materials and Manufacturing”, at IMS, Ghaziabad, Bhupesh Ojha, ME Department, 16-28 Dec, 2019.
· FDP on “Manufacturing Processes”, at IIT, Kanpur, Harsh Gupta, ME Department, 21-25 August, 2019.
· FDP on “Manufacturing Processes”, at IIT, Kanpur, Brijesh Kumar, ME Department, 21-25 August, 2019.
· Short Term Course on “Modern Measurements and Diagnostic Application in Fluid and Thermal Engineering”, at IIT, ROORKEE, Amit Kumar Gupta, ME Department, 09-13 Nov., 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Harsh Gupta, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Rohan Srivastava, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Amit Kumar Gupta, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Dr. Akant Kumar Singh, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Rathin Dutta, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Kushal Pal Singh, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Neha Gupta, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Brijesh Kumar, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Chetan Dixit, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· FDP on “Advancements in Manufacturing of composite Materials and Their Mechanical and Tribological Aspects”, at ITSEC, Greater Noida, Bhupesh ojha, ME Department, 21-25 Jan, 2019.
· VIVEK KUMAR successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Product Design Using Value Engineering” Course by Inderdeep Singh in July- Dec 2019.
· Harsh Gupta successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Product Design Using Value Engineering” Course by Inderdeep Singh in July- Dec 2019.
· ROHAN SRIVASTAVA successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Product Design Using Value Engineering” Course by Inderdeep Singh in July- Dec 2019.
· KUNAL KUMAR SINGH successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “ENGINEERING MECHANICS” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Neha Gupta successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Engineering Metrology” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Amit Kumar Gupta successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Manufacturing of Composites” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Chetan Dixit successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Principle of Metal Forming Technology” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Brijesh Kumar successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Principle of Metal Forming Technology” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Bhupesh Ojha successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Fluid Machines” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Brijesh Kumar successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Welding Metallurgy” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Manvendra Yadav successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Manufacturing of Composites” Course in July- Dec 2019.
· Dr. Ekant Kumar Singh successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE “Manufacturing of Composites” Course in July- Dec 2019.

NewGen IEDC at ITS Engineering College is an organization geared towards speeding up the growth and success of startup and early stage companies. NewGen IEDC has a mission to “promote knowledge based and technology-driven start-ups by harnessing young minds and their innovation potential in an academic environment” In view of this, the National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development (NSTEDB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), has taken an initiative of introducing this scheme for setting up “New Generation Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Centers (NewGen IEDCs)” being implemented by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad.In this initiative DST is providing a grant of Rs. 2.87 cr over a period of 5 year.
With the establishment of NewGen IEDC, ITS Engineering College, Undergraduate students, Post graduate students, doctoral students, alumni and faculties at NewGen IEDC, ITS Engineering College would be entertained to convert their business ideas into successful commercial or social ventures.
NewGen IEDC, ITS Engineering College offers integrated, customized Innovation-Based Incubation support services for potential high investable entrepreneurs and enterprises. It scouts for innovative entrepreneurs, builds on ideation leading to develop a business concepts, provides skills and competencies trough capacity building/ training programs towards building effective enterprises.