ITSEC Newsletter "Reflection" Electrical & Electronics Engineering
ITSEC Newsletter "Reflection" Electrical & Electronics Engineering

ITSEC Newsletter
Reflection, Vol 4, 2021
From The Desk of H.O.D. (EEE Department)
Dear Readers,
It gives me immense pride and pleasure to lead the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department which provides an ideal blend of youthful enthusiasm and core professional experience for the budding electrical engineering aspirant. Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) is the front runner because of its recent recognition and adoption by all industries and academia, thereby gaining self-confidence of our students to compete successfully with all competitive disciplines. The field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering encompasses many technologies such as power systems, electrical machines, control systems, electromagnetic theory, and computer methods employed in all these areas, which have been among the fastest growing and most challenging technologies that enable the development of the modern society. The Department strives to provide a blend of fundamental core knowledge along with cutting edge developments to create an Electrical Engineer who can cope with the requirements of the Industry and also handle the demands of higher studies.
The department encompasses a fine blend of renowned as well as young and dynamic faculties with a balanced mix from industry and academics. Most of the faculties have excellent track records and is drawn from leading institutes like IITs/NITs and other reputed universities.
The students get opportunities to excel in their academic achievements. The future holds many challenges. Apart from the regular curriculum the department strives to develop the students into intellectual prodigy.
The department conducts various programs under the departmental association such as Workshops, Technical Training, Symposium, Project-expo, Guest Lectures and Seminar by Experts from Industry and Academic background for constant knowledge up-gradation of staff and students.
The blend of good technical knowledge with equal measure of ethics and compassion is the aim that we strive to achieve.
We continue to play a leading role in our discipline which leads us towards creating in innovative and effective professional graduate community which would vivacious and provide continuous learning.
I extend my warm wishes to all budding Electrical Engineers.
Good Luck
Prof. Upendra Kumar Aggarwal (H.O.D. EEE Department)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
To be a premier & value based department committed to excellence in preparing students for success in Electrical Engineering and Technology professions.
M-1: To provide quality teaching blended with practical engineering skills.
M-2: To prepare students to develop all round competitiveness.
M-3: To motivate faculty & students to do impactful research on social needs.

Program Objectives
PEO-1: To provide students strong foundation in Basic Sciences, mathematics and basic engineering fundamentals.
PEO-2: To provide students the understanding capability of knowledge and skill to formulate, analyze and solve the problems of electrical and electronics engineering.
PEO-3: To develop the students analytical, scientific, engineering depth in terms of conducting experiment and to prepare report.
PEO-4: To develop the students to design Electrical and Electronics circuits and logic.
PEO-5: To train and provide the students a good scientific and engineering breadth to create ability to comprehend, understand and analyze engineering problems and relating them to real life.
PEO-6: To nurture the students as a true professional and for lifelong learner who can take and understand the challenges of today’s world inculcating effective communication, positive attitude, team work, leadership, adaptability, professional ethics, multidisciplinary approaches.
PEO-7: To make the students corporate ready and to succeed in industry, technical profession, higher education as well as a future entrepreneur.

Program Outcomes
PO-1: The students should come up with confidence in using their basic science and fundamental knowledge in the engineering applications.
PO-2: Graduate Electrical engineers will demonstrate their knowledge acquired in the lab work and project to identify and solve the engineering problems based on their engineering skills.
PO-3: The Electrical engineers will be able to work on the latest technology and area of research in the Electrical and Electronics engineering field.
PO-4: The Electrical engineers will be able to market himself/herself by the virtue of their strong human values, effective communication skills besides the technical knowledge.
PO-5: The Electrical engineers will be able to demonstrate their understanding of industrial psychology and social obligation keeping the environmental issues in safe guard while converting the innovative ideas / research into reality.
PO-6: The Electrical engineers will be able to work in a team and if required can coordinate and lead the team by his/her confidence, self learning and long learning attribute.
PO-7: Graduate Electrical engineers will be able to clear the national and international level of aptitude tests for engineers.
· 4 Students of EEE have been selected for Industry Internship on Project based Training at ST Microelectronics, Greater Noida. Students were Anuj Katiyar, 3rd Year, Srishti Kumari, 3rd Year, Aakash Gupta, 3rd Year, Harshit Singh, 2nd Year.
· EEE student Asif Karim successfully completed NPTEL Certification on “Fundamental of Electrical Engineering”.
· Expert lecture by Mr. Anurag Rai on Industrial Automation, “Need of Automation”, on 7th September, 2019.
· Harshit Singh , 2nd Year EEE has participated in Inter college Event as a student delegate in Indian International Science Festival , Lucknow, Harshit Singh , 2nd Year EEE during Oct 5-8, 2019
· Harshit Singh has participated in “AKTU Start Up Parikrama”, AKTU, Bareilly, U.P., & reached till Final round.
Harshit Singh has also participated in “Business Plan Competition” Shark Bait organized by In-Cube, New Delhi Institution of Management, & reached till Final Round.
Events & Activities

Won 1st Prize in Dr. Kalam Start – UP Parikrama -III Edition – Team –Anuj Katiyar ( IV Sem) & Sristi Kumari ( EEE IV Sem), for the project on , “Healthy Pots”

IEEE PES Day Celebration

Engineer’s Day Celebration with Expert Talk & Quiz Competitions”-Dr. Manoj Kumar, Director-Project & Research, ST Microelectronics


Workshop on “Solar Power Storage: Li-Ion Battery & Business Prospects”
Faculty Corner
International Journal Publications
· Neha Mehta, SVAV Prasad, Dr.Leena Arya, "Experimental Validation of Minimax Entropy Principle in Ultrasound Images”, International Journal of Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol.12, No.1, pp.1-7, 2019. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
· Neha Mehta, SVAV Prasad,Dr. Leena Arya, “Median Filter Driven Approach for Contrast Enhancement of Ultrasound Images: A Technical Note”, IJRECE Vol. 6 Issue 4, pp.818-823, Dec 2018.(ISSN: 2348-2281)
Faculty Development Programs/ Seminar/ Workshop Attended
· One day Seminar on "MATLAB & Simulink for Predictive Analytics, Signal Processing & Controls Applications", Park Hotel, New Delhi, Dr. Leena Arya, 21st Feb, 2018.
· IEEE International Seminar on " Smart Technologies for Smart City", STechSCity-2018 at ITS Engineering college, Upendra Agarwal, EEE Department, 19-20 April, 2018.
· IEEE International Seminar on " Smart Technologies for Smart City", STechSCity-2018 at ITS Engineering college, Rajiv Ranjan, EEE Department, 19-20 April, 2018.
· ITU Asia Pacific Center of Excellence International training programme on "Mobile Broadband Quality of Service" organized by ALTTC BSNL, Ghaziabad, Dr. Leena Arya, 1-5th May, 2018.
· FDP on “Recent Trends in Electronic Circuits and Systems” at ITS Engineering College, Rajiv Ranjan, EEE Department, 09-13 Jul, 2018.
· FDP on “Recent Trends in Electronic Circuits and Systems” at ITS Engineering College, Upendra Agarwal, EEE Department, 09-13 Jul, 2018.

NewGen IEDC at ITS Engineering College is an organization geared towards speeding up the growth and success of startup and early stage companies. NewGen IEDC has a mission to “promote knowledge based and technology-driven start-ups by harnessing young minds and their innovation potential in an academic environment” In view of this, the National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development (NSTEDB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), has taken an initiative of introducing this scheme for setting up “New Generation Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Centers (NewGen IEDCs)” being implemented by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad.In this initiative DST is providing a grant of Rs. 2.87 cr over a period of 5 year.
With the establishment of NewGen IEDC, ITS Engineering College, Undergraduate students, Post graduate students, doctoral students, alumni and faculties at NewGen IEDC, ITS Engineering College would be entertained to convert their business ideas into successful commercial or social ventures.
NewGen IEDC, ITS Engineering College offers integrated, customized Innovation-Based Incubation support services for potential high investable entrepreneurs and enterprises. It scouts for innovative entrepreneurs, builds on ideation leading to develop a business concepts, provides skills and competencies trough capacity building/ training programs towards building effective enterprises.