ITSEC International Journal of Engineering Sciences

The objective of the journal is to disseminate new knowledge on recent technological advancement among academic and research community, professionals and industry practitioners. The journal provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals and students to publish their research and developments in the areas of the journal. The journal provides a record of the advancements in Engineering and Technology to the researchers.

Editorial Board
Chief Editor: Dr. Vikas Singh, Executive Director, ITSEC
Editor: Dr. Sanjay Yadav, Professor and Head, ITSEC
Dr. Tarun K Rawat, Associate Professor, NSUT, New Delhi, (
Dr. Sanjay Mishra, Associate Professor, ME, Madan Mohan Malaviya University Gorakhpur, (
Dr. Naved Z Rizvi Associate Professor, ECE School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University, (
Dr. Vinay Rishiwal, Professor CSE & IT, MJP Rohilkhand University, (
Dr. Ashish Kumar, Professor and Head, ITSEC, (
Dr. Mayank Srivatava, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand),(
Dr. Omveer Singh, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University, (
Ahmet M. Elbir, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, (
Kasim K. Abdalla, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Al Ḩillah, Iraq, (
Dr Norbert Herencsar, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic, (; (

Review Board
Mr. Rajiv Ranjan, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE
Mr. Upendra Kumar Agarwal, Assistant Professor, EEE Department
Dr. Akant Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of ME
Mr. Bhupesh Ojha, Assistant Professor, ME Department
Dr. Ashish Gupta, Professor, Department of ECE
Mr. Navneet Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
Ms. Niharika Shukla, Assistant Professor, Department of CE
Dr. Kamal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of MBA
Dr. Ruchi Srivastav, Assistant Professor (Chemistry), Department of ASH
Dr. Sanajay Kumar Mishra, Professor (Physics), Department of ASH
Dr. Bhanumati Panda, Associate Professor (Mathematics), Department of ASH
Mr. Tarun Kumar Chugh, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mr. Vivek Tomar, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mr. Santosh Kumar Ray, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

Journal Policies
The researchers are requested to submit articles at The editorial board will acknowledge the receipt of the papers within next 24 hours. The paper submitted should be written in English language following the IEEE format. The submitted manuscript must include title, abstract, keywords, author(s) and affiliation(s), email address. The author submitting the manuscript is the corresponding author. The accepted formats for manuscript are LaTeX and MS-Word.
Authors, who are advised to revise the manuscripts, are advised to highlight the changes and reviewers comments separately. In depth review of the paper is done by the reviewers of the domain. All papers are reviewed by two independent reviewers. Paper is accepted when the recommendation from both the reviewers are positive.
Each paper submitted will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Preliminary review will be done by editorial board, only those papers that meet the scientific and editorial standards of the Journal will be sent for outside review. The editorial board will assign the paper to the reviewers for comprehensive time bound review. Reviewers are expected to complete the review within one month of the acceptance of the manuscript. Thereafter editorial board based on reviewer’s comments may accept/ accept with changes/ reject the paper. If the paper is accepted with changes, changes required are sent to the corresponding author of the paper and asked to submit revised manuscript within one week (depending on the changes required). Editorial board decision along with the comments is sent to corresponding author. Finally, accepted manuscripts (after major/minor revision) are forwarded for publication to the journal. A minimum of 25-30 days is required to complete the review process.
Journal Vol. I Issue I, January 2020 Publications
S. No. | Title & Author | Page No. |
1 | Fabrication and Characterization of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite | 4-11 |
2 | Investigations on mechanical peculiarity of Nano Titanium Oxide filled vinyl ester based Functionally Graded Materials | 12-15 |
3 | An Analysis on Monitoring and Control of Real Time Systems | 16-19 |
4 | An ab initio study of electronic Structure and properties of guanosine | 20-23 |
5 | Case Study: Heart function Monitoring and Alert System | 24-27 |
Editorial Advisory Board

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