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Civilsdaily Signs MoU With 50 Colleges To Prepare UPSC Aspirants
Civilsdaily Signs MoU With 50 Colleges To Prepare UPSC Aspirants
Civilsdaily, one of India's leading student-centric platforms for UPSC preparation, is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with 50 colleges to scout for talented students. The goal of this MoU is to provide aspirants with an early opportunity to prepare for the UPSC and other government examinations. The association will provide a diverse range of benefits, including knowledge dissemination through general studies and the sharing of technological resources by training them in cutting-edge technologies like Python, R Programming etc., that will help aspiring students achieve their dreams.
Students who are selected through this venture will be rewarded with a highly subsidised course fee. Aligning with the government's goal under New Education Policy, Civilsdaily’s aim would be to help students build a solid foundation over the course of their graduation. They will also provide test mentoring services for UPSC and affiliated examinations at a significant cost savings plan compared to the cost of a traditional course. Colleges like ABES College of Engineering, Ghaziabad; City Group of Colleges, Lucknow; and ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, among others, have signed the MoU and are part of this pioneering initiative. Source: -
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), ITS Engineering College, Gr. Noida organized an expert talk.
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), ITS Engineering College, Gr. Noida organized an expert talk.

The topic of expert talk was, “Theories of Failure”, held on 17th May, 2022. The talk had an informative session by Dr. Siddhartha, Associate Prof., N.I.T., Hamirpur to enlighten the students for their better understanding about failure theories. He discussed about the six important theories of failure for our mechanical and civil engineering students in a lucid manner with great depth.
Dr. Siddhartha discussed that failure is essential also in some cases of wire drawing and forming something. He told about the distortion and yielding. He explained about the yield strength in tension, torsion and shear. He explained the difference between ductile and brittle failure. He highlighted that failure occurs when some physical variable such as stress, strain or energy reaches a limiting value. He explained the toughness concept by taking the example of stress-strain curve. He also discussed the difference between fracture and yielding. He explained that energy is also responsible for failure, as depicted in Distortion Energy theory and Octahedral Shear Stress theory. He explained all six failure theories in details. These theories are Maximum Principal Stress theory, Maximum Shear Stress theory, Maximum Elastic Strain theory, Maximum Elastic Energy theory, Distortion Energy theory and Octahedral Shear Stress theory. He elaborated that yield strength in tension and compression is same for ductile materials like mild steel, but it is different for brittle materials like cast iron. He motivated the students a lot for understanding these failure theories for designing something. In essence, this expert talk helped students, to understand the basic concepts of ductile failure and brittle failure under different loads, stresses, strains and energy.
Dr. Sanjay Yadav, Head, MED & CED, welcomed the eminent speaker on behalf of department and I.T.S Engineering College and emphasized the need of such expert talks in future also. Ms. Neha Gupta, introduced the speaker and took the charge of expert talk. More than 100 participants including students and faculty members attended the talk. Dr. Siddhartha answered all the queries of students. Dr. Sanjay Yadav and Dr. Harsh Gupta presented a memento to the speaker. At the end of talk, Prof. Rohan Srivastava gave a vote of thanks to the speaker. This has got the media coverage on
पंजाबी गायक शाहिद माल्या ने समा बांधा
पंजाबी गायक शाहिद माल्या ने समा बांधा

आई.टी.एस. इंजीनियरिंग काॅलेज में आयोजित वार्षिकोत्सव उद्घोष 2022 के दूसरे दिन विभिन्न काॅलेज के विद्यार्थियों ने मनोहारी प्रस्तुतिया देकर सभी को मंत्रमुग्ध कर दिया। उद्घोष 2022 के दूसरे दिन सरदार पटेल सभागार मे आई.टी.एस के छात्र-छात्राओं ने शानदार व मनोहारी एकल व ग्रुप डांस प्रस्तुत किये। इसी क्रम में कई छात्र-छात्राओं ने कर्णप्रिय मधुर गीत गाकर श्रोताओ को अभिभूत कर दिया। डांस व गीत प्रस्तुति के उपरांत उद्घोष 2022 में चिर-प्रतीक्षित ‘‘फैशन शो’’ प्रस्तुत हुआ। जिसका सभी दर्षकों ने भरपूर आनन्द लिया।
सांयकाल उद्घोष-2022 के प्रथम व दिवसों के विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं के विजेताओ को काॅलेज के वाइस चैयरमैन सोहेल चड्ढा द्वारा नगद पुरस्कार व प्रमाण-पत्र वितरित किये गये। सांय 7 बजे कार्यक्रम का प्रमुख आकर्षण सेल्बिटी नाईट में विख्यात पंजाबी गायक शाहिद माल्या ने एक के बाद एक हिट गाने गाकर लोगो को झूमने पर मजबूर कर दिया।
इस अवसर पर आई.टी.एस. इंजीनियरिंग काॅलेज के डायरेक्टर, डा. मयंक गर्ग , डीन एकेडमिक डा. संजय यादव और सभी शिक्षकगण उपस्थित रहे।
This has got the media coverage on
दो दिवसीय वार्षिककोत्सव (उदघोष) का शुभारंभ
दो दिवसीय वार्षिककोत्सव (उदघोष) का शुभारंभ

आई.टी.एस. इंजीनियरिंग काॅलेज में दो द्विवसीय वार्षिकोत्सव उत्सव कोविड प्रोटोकोल के बीच आयोजित किया गया। कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन काॅलेज के निदेशक डाॅ0 मयंक गर्ग और डीन डाॅ0 संजय यादव ने सरस्वती वदना के साथ किया। डाॅ0 गर्ग ने अपने संबोधन में कहा कि सबसे ज्यादा भविष्य में विद्यार्थियों को शोध करने की जरूरत है। जिससे वैज्ञानिक क्षेत्र और इंजीनियरिंग क्षेत्र में बडे बदलाव किये जा सके। डाॅ0 गर्ग ने छात्रों में सामाजिक कौशल, टीम वर्क और नेतृत्व गुणों को विकसित करने के सन्दर्भ में उत्सव के महत्व पर जोर दिया।
कार्यक्रम के पहले दिन छात्रों ने कई रंगारंग सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में भाग लेने के साथ मंच पर और बाहर उत्कृष्ट कार्यक्रमों के साथ शुरूआत की। इन आयोजनों को तीन क्षेत्रों में वर्गीकृत किया गया था, कला- जिसमें रंगोली, एनीमें ड्राइंग, टीशर्ट डिजाइनिंग और कोलाज मेंकिंग जैसे कार्यक्रम शामिल थे। दूसरा सांस्कृतिक जिसमें फिल्म प्रश्नोत्तरी और साहित्य पर एक कार्यक्रम लेखन, पहेली, भाषण, कविता आदि शामिल था।
यह कार्यक्रम सांस्कृतिक, कला, साहित्यिक और खेल आयोजनों के माध्यम से छात्रों को अपनी रचनात्मक, उत्कृष्टता और प्रतिभा दिखाने के लिए एक जीवंत मंच प्रदान करता है। इस अवसर पर काॅलेज के सभी शिक्षकगण और सभी छात्र उपस्थित रहे।
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आई.टी.एस इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजकॉलेज में दो दिवसीय योग शिबिर की शुरुआत
आई.टी.एस इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजकॉलेज में दो दिवसीय योग शिबिर की शुरुआत

आई.टी.एस इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज , ग्रेटर नोएडा में के दो दिवसीय (27 और 28 अप्रैल) शिविर की शुरुआत आज से की गयीl
वेदार्णा फाउंडेशन के निर्देशक एवं आई.टी.एस इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज के प्रोफेसर डॉ कुलदीप मलिक के अनुसार शिविर का आयोजन ग्रेटर नोएडा स्थित आई.टी.एस इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज के खेल मैदान में किया गया जिसमें कॉलेज के छात्र-छात्राओं, शिक्षकों एवं स्टाफ के अलावा आसपास के क्षेत्र के लोग भारी संख्या में शामिल हुये l
शिविर में आई.टी.एस इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज के प्रोफेसर सचिन कुमार ने डॉक्टर मलिक के साथ मिलकर उपस्थित जनसमूह को आसन एवं व्यायाम के अलावा ताली वादन एवं हास्य प्रक्रिया का अभ्यास कराया।
डॉक्टर मलिक के अनुसार शिविर का उद्देश्य युवा छात्र छात्राओं को स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक करना हैl कल शिविर का अंतिम एवं समापन दिन रहेगा जिसमें वरिष्ठ योगाचार्य इंजीनियर रामपाल जी उपस्थित जनसमूह के साथ योग करके उनको अपना आशीर्वाद प्रदान करेंगे। कल अंतिम दिन योग से संबंधित प्रतियोगिता एवं जीवन में योग अपनाने और प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए सामूहिक शपथ ग्रहण समारोह का भी आयोजन किया जाएगा।
This has got the media coverage on Deshbandhu , Hindustan and
आई0टी0एस0 में एल्युमिनी मीट का आयोजन
आई0टी0एस0 में एल्युमिनी मीट का आयोजन

आई0टी0एस0 इन्जीनियरिंग काॅलेज, ग्रेटर नोएडा में आज एल्युमिनी मीट, ‘‘संकलन-2022‘‘ का आयोजन हुआ। इस समारोह में गत 12 वर्ष के उत्तीर्ण लगभग 200 पुरातन विद्यार्थियों ने भाग लिया। इन विद्यार्थियों का स्वागत वर्तमान छात्रों ने परंम्परागत विधि से रोली-चंदन का टीका लगाकर व मिष्ठान खिलाकर किया।
इस सम्मेलन का उद्घाटन डाॅ0 मयंक गर्ग, निदेषक ने दीप प्रज्ज्वलित करके किया। डाॅ0 गर्ग ने अपने उद्बोधन में पुरातन छात्रों का आभार व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि काॅलिज एवं प्राचीन छात्रों के मध्य दूरगामी संबंध स्थापित रहने चाहिए। एलुमनी मीट संकलन 2022 का उदेष्य आई0टी0एस0 काॅलेज के सभी पूर्व छात्रों को संबंधो को मधुर बनाने के लिए एक साझा मंच पर लाना और मजबूत पूर्व छात्रों से जुडना और वर्तमान परिद्वष्य के अनुसार संस्थान के समग्र विकास के लिए ज्वलंत सुझावों का स्वागत करना था।
इस अवसर पर वर्तमान छात्रों ने सांस्क्ृतिक कार्यक्रमों से पुरातन विद्यार्थियों का मनोरंजन किया। इसके उपरांत इस कार्यक्रम का प्रमुख आकर्षण ‘‘विद्युत बैण्ड‘‘ द्वारा कर्णप्रिय व मनोहारी गीत-संगीत का प्रदर्षन किया गया, जिसका सभी ने खुले हृदय से से स्वागत किया। इसके बाद पुरातन विद्यार्थियों ने स्टेज पर आकर अपने अनुभवों को सबके साथ सांझा किया। सभी ने जायकेदार भोजन ग्रहण किया। पूर्व छात्रो के लिए रजिस्ट्र्ार कार्यालय मे डिग्री वितरण भी चल रहा था। भविष्य में पुनः मिलने का वादा लेकर सभी छात्रों ने प्रस्थान किया।
उपाध्यक्षए श्री सोहिल चड्ढा ने सभी पूर्व छात्रोें को उनके निरंतर केेंद्रित प्रयास और उनकी विषेषज्ञता के क्षेत्र में प्राप्त सफलता के लिए बधाई और सराहना की है उन्होने उनके भविष्य के उपक्रमों के लिए ष्षुभकामनाएं दी। इस अवसर पर डाॅ0 संजय यादव ने सभी संकाय पूर्व छा़त्र समन्वयको के प्रयासो की सराहना की।
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ITSEC Greater Noida Organized One-Day Visit At Pragati Maidan, New Delhi To Attend 29th Convergence India Expo-2022
ITSEC Greater Noida Organized One-Day Visit At Pragati Maidan, New Delhi To Attend 29th Convergence India Expo-2022

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ITSEC Greater Noida organized one-day visit at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi to attend 29th Convergence India Expo-2022.
Students reached Pragati Maidan, New Delhi around 11:00 AM. After registration, students visited the different stalls of multinational companies from China, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Germany, and India. The themes for the Convergence India Expo was 5G, Broadcast and Digital Media, Satellite Communication, Mobile devices and Accessories, Embedded Technologies and Internet of Things (IoT). Another, event visited at the same location was the 7th Smart Cities India Expo. The key themes for this event was Smart Cities, Smart Building, Smart Transport, Smart Water, Solar Tech and Clean tech. Students visited the various stalls of the companies for both the expos and taken the exposure of the latest technological advancement
Students also participated in the various events at Expo and won prizes like pen drive and power banks etc. in the Expo. After expo visit, we along with all students returned to college campus at around 3:30 PM. Around 42 students from the ECE & EEE branch were present, including faculty members Dr. Monika Jain, Dr. Setu Garg, and Mr. Parveen Bhola. This has got the media coverage on
Workshop on “Python Programming” By Nishit Goel
Workshop on “Python Programming” By Nishit Goel

I.T.S Engineering College, one of the Premier Institution in the field of Engineering and Management Education organized a workshop on “Python Programming ” by Nishit Goel.
The opening of program was made by welcoming Nishit Goel with a welcome speech as a brief introductory by Dr. Vrinda Sachdeva, Associate Professor of CSE department, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida. She told that Nishit Goel is a Microsoft certified trainer with current area of expertise includes Azure Cloud Solutions , .Net Full Stack Technologies and Microsoft Power Platform and is currently working as a Principal Consultant-Learning at Infosys.
The talk was initiated by Honorable guest Nishit Goel briefing about concepts of python programming, basics and explained the application of python programming and necessities in today’s environment. This was followed by detailed discussion on machine learning and Azure machine learning. He also discussed about the Microsoft machine learning studio. The comparative study helped the students to have a clear idea about how the algorithms of machine learning works. This talk was followed by hands on experience developing feature-rich applications. He elaborated on various IT filed students should possess to get Jobs in IT Industry, especially in Machine Learning domain. In the talk, he told about various career options and latest trends and requirements in market and future scope along with new technologies and emphasized on the need of learning various recent Tools / skills according to need of industry.
This workshop is attended by students, research scholars and faculty members of various states of the country and learnt about the topic in detail. It was very prestigious for ITS Engineering College to have such Dignified and very humble Knowledgeable person and to grasp his views and technical knowledge.
Finally, Dr. Vrinda Sachdeva, Associate Professor of CSE department, I.T.S Engineering College gave a Vote of Thanks Speech and Dr. Ashish Kumar, HOD-CSE, ITS Engineering College gave Token of Appreciation to Dr. Vrinda Sachdeva. This has got the media coverage on
The OUTLOOK magazine lists ITS's Placements among the Best!
The OUTLOOK magazine lists ITS's Placements among the Best!


ITS Engineering College Hosts International Conference On Marketing – MarkTech 2k22
ITS Engineering College Hosts International Conference On Marketing – MarkTech 2k22

Department of MBA, ITS Engineering College , Greater Noida organized one day International Conference on Marketing MarkTech 2k22 on theme “Reimagining Global Marketing: Innovations Focused on the Digitalized World” on 22 nd January 2022.
Eminent speakers from corporate world and Academia, Research Scholars, Faculty members and students from different part of the country and abroad participated in MarkTech 2k22.
Objective of the conference
The Conference focused on bringing the global digital marketers and enthusiasts collaboratively to share latest innovations and perception in the digital marketing field. The main objective of this conference was to provide a platform to share and discuss their ideas about marketing innovations and strategies in the digital world.
Details of the conference
Inaugural Session
The Conference was inaugurated jointly by Ms. Shruti Chadha, Vice Chairperson, ITS Education Group, Dr. Mayank Garg, Director ITS Engineering College, Chief Guest Mr. Sudhakar Tomar, President of India and Middle East Agro Trade industry and investment forum UAE, and the keynote speaker Mr. Puneet Kakar Director-Marketing & Innovation, KIEF Solutions, Delhi and Dr. Sunita Shukla, HOD – MBA.
Dr. Sunita Shukla, HOD-MBA welcomed all dignitaries in the conference and shared details and schedule of the conference with august gathering.
Chief Guest Mr. Sudhakar Tomar talked about digitalization being the future of trade and businesses at a global level. He highlighted the value of data in the highly digitalized world.
Keynote Speaker Mr. Puneet Kakar emphasized that foundation of marketing will always be derived from fundamental marketing principles despite of digital modes taking a front seat in marketing strategies.
Vice Chairperson, ITS Education Group, Ms. Shruti Chadha discussed the role of digital marketing in day to days life and insisted that everyone should be ready to adopt new upcoming technologies as no organization can survive without it.
Director, ITS Engineering College, Dr. Mayank Garg in his address emphasized upon being ready to adopt the technologies particularly in education industry.
During this session a E-Book was also jointly released by Shruti Chadha, Sudhakar Tomar, Puneet Kakar, Dr. Mayank Garg and Dr. Sunita Shukla. The E-Book is a compilation of the research papers and articles presented by the various professionals during the conference, will go in a long way in sharing the immense pool of knowledge and research expertise possessed by them in digital marketing. This has got the media coverage on
I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida, organized an Expert Talk – “Issues & Challenges of Employee Engagement and Retention”.
I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida, organized an Expert Talk – “Issues & Challenges of Employee Engagement and Retention”.

Department of MBA , I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida, organized an Expert Talk on the topic “Issues & Challenges of Employee Engagement and Retention”.
The guest speaker was Ms. Rashmi Nithyanand, Talent Acquisition Manager, currently associated with FINOIT TECHNOLOGIES, NOIDA.
The objective of the talk was to discuss the issues & challenges faced by organizations in employee engagement and make students aware about the real problems in managing diverse work force.
Dr. Sunita Shukla, Head-MBA, gave opening note of the session. She emphasized the importance of employee engagement in the present times.
Speaker of the session, Ms. Rashmi Nithyanand talked about the recent issues & challenges of employee engagement & Retention with firms. In the IT sector, due to COVID there is an abundance work pressure on employees they feel underpaid and this leads to dissatisfaction. She also discussed other challenges like lack of clarity, lack of insight or commitment from the top management, generalization, lack of work-life balance, growth and recognition. At the last she also shared the ways how to cope-up with the emerging challenges.
The programme was attended by faculty members of MBA and other departments along with MBA students. At the end, Mr. Pratik Dwivedi has given a vote of thanks to all. This has got the media coverage on
Qualities in a good MBA College and how ITS Engineering does it
Qualities in a good MBA College and how ITS Engineering does it
- Opportunities for well-established jobs.
- A handsome monthly pay.
- Steady career growth.
- Requisite skills to start a business.
- Maintain a business or a company.
This article has got the coverage on reputed platforms like Digital Journal, Purvanchal Today,
- Industry visits
- International Conference
- Expert talk
- Workshops and Value-added courses
- Soft skill development

ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida announces B.Tech and MBA admission 2022
ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida announces B.Tech and MBA admission 2022
ITS Engineering College in Greater Noida is now open to admission for B Tech and MBA courses for the academic year 2022-2023. The college is a part of a 26-year-old legacy ITS – the Education Group that has multiple campuses that focus on the thrust areas of engineering, management, dental, commerce, and pharmacy.
Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), the college offers a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning. For MBA, the college offers specialization in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, International Business, and Operations.
ITS Engineering College is accredited by NAAC, NBA, and AICTE. From the qualitative education provided by the college, its students are liable to apply in both government and private jobs. Not to mention the in-campus placement opportunities in which ITS has outshined itself by organizing over 350+ company visits in the academic year of 2021-2022 with more than 450+ job offers to the students. They have a strong corporate connection with companies such as Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Mphasis, Cognizant, Tech Mahindra, CSS Corporation, HCL, etc., thus making it to be the best placement college in the Delhi NCR region.
ITS Engineering strives in giving equal education opportunities to all through academic scholarships to engineering and management students. Over the years, they have offered scholarships to more than 1000 students from various categories. ITS avails scholarships based on three categories — Government scholarships, ITS Scholarships & Corporate Scholarships.
“ITS Education group believes in holistic education for students, encompassing academics, technical, co-curricular activities, sports education, and life-skills learning,” says Ms. Shruti Chadha, Vice-Chairperson of the ITS Education Group. Apart from academics and incubation centers, the college hosts a variety of fests, soft skills training, celebrity visits, and cultural events. The campus bears separate sports grounds for lawn tennis, cricket, football, volleyball, and a number of indoor games sports. The college has a range of facilities, fulfilling the needs of students from a hostel, library, auditorium, cafeteria, transport, laundry, hospital, ATM, Wi-Fi, temple, pharmacy, stationery, to the gym.
This article has got the coverage on various reputer publisher sites like Digital Journal, Daily Herald, The Times, NCR online Journal, Chandigarh Herald and many more

Mr. Sohil Chadha, Vice Chairman, ITS Education Group has been interviewed by Fortune Post regarding his insights and upcoming plans for the group.
"ITS holds a solid base of 10 ongoing start-ups running successfully"

Ques.1- It is said that Vice-Chairman is the role model of the students. And if he is young and impassioned it’s like “SONE PE SUHAGA”. Isn’t it? So how are you passionate about the students of the ITS?
Ans: I believe in going with the times. And yes, being young surely helps exploring modern practices while keeping our traditions and culture intact. I believe passion is something self-induced in an individual and it has to come from within. However, I try to provide opportunities that ignite student’s passion by making education interesting and motivating.
We, at ITS, try to strike a balance between the traditional academic activities and innovative modern practices. There is a plethora of academic and non-academic activities throughout the year to help students develop both academic excellence as well as social skills. We also organize alumni meet, industry connects, inter-college events, celebrity nights – these platforms help students understand the current micro and macro environments and thus, prepare them more comprehensively to take on the upcoming challenges in their career.
To sum it up, I believe that as long as they are curious to know more about their field, as well as, the additional fields they would touch in their professional lives, they will continue to learn and excel. It will gradually lead them to the road to success.
Ques.2- As you are the young Educationist and have been in the Education sector for over one decade. So what are the changes you see in traditional Education and how do you see the present scenario in Higher Education?
Ans: I arrived at ITS Education Group in the late 2000s after completing my graduation from Purdue University (US). Traditional education was quite different back then and has considerably changed now. Today, education is more innovative, digital, and business-based, where the focus is put on upscaling the skills of the students to make them career ready. Campus placements have become far more essential now, both for students as well as the college management. It has paved a way to secure a student’s future without them stressing for employment after graduation.
With the involvement of start-up cells and incubation cells for students, the higher education of today has reached new heights and will continue to evolve more. The present scenario of education has become quite open and provides more opportunities where students can become job seekers, entrepreneurs, or teachers with the support of the institution. This is quite evident from the economical stature of India which is growing at a faster rate than other countries in the world.
I particularly focus more on technologies that have led to industry disruptions such as AI. The advancement of Artificial Intelligence will surely transform the scenario of employment as well as the education system in the coming years. ITS- The Education Group will consistently strive to adapt to these changes and elevate their students.
Apart from the above changes in engineering & management courses, the dental courses have undergone major upgrades. There are special sessions on practice management, then there are companies aligned for campus placements etc. which weren’t the norms a few years back.
Ques.3- Most of the Educators and Education societies are welcoming the NEP 2020. According to you, what are the positive features of policy?
Ans: The NEP 2020 policies are indeed ground-breaking and I highly appreciate it’s vision of making schooling available to everyone. The holistic approach of 5+3+3+4 curriculum, replacing the traditional 10+2 approach, will surely shift the paradigm of our education system, making it innovative, interest driven based and more creative for students of all age groups.
As per NEP 2020, the rigid separations between subjects’ stream will be done away with. Students will have the liberty to choose subjects they would like to study across streams. Vocational education to be introduced in schools from Class 6 and will include internships as well. It will allow students to be more flexible with their career options and change it as per their interests and the industry dynamics. This will lead to passionate& creative individuals who will lead the industry and contribute in building a stronger economy and a developed nation. It will match with our end goals as a multi-disciplinary institute.
Another aspect is the adaptation of the Phygital Model—The Physical and Digital model of teaching which is much more convenient at a time when the pandemic is still prevalent. NEP 2020 is indeed a ‘monumental step’ for the progressive education industry in the 21st century.
Ques.4- For those Students who are starting their own start-ups or come up with unique, innovative ideas, which kind of support you are giving to them?
Ans: If any student is interested in starting their own business, ITS Engineering has established New Gen IDEC which is geared towards converting business ideas into a commercial reality through start-ups. It hosts strong incubation centers within the campus, namely ‘The department of science and technology (DST)’ and ‘MSME’.
DST is incubated with the support of 2.5 Lakh rupees while MSME supports the idea with 15 Lakh rupees, thus incubating the idea into a prototype. Once the prototype is ready, the college will support them in getting patents and getting the intellectual property registered. If the idea is marketable enough, the college will also provide seed funding. Our institute vows to support the entire business activity right from space, power, and equipment requirements to all the other things required for a successful running of the start-up companies.
Today, the institution holds a solid base of 10 ongoing start-ups running successfully since its establishment including grants from the involved ministries.

Ques.5- If we talk about ITS Group, 5 key features which attract students from across India and overseas?
Ans: 1- The ITS Legacy – It’s been more than 26 years since the group’s inception in 1995. With age, comes experience and wisdom. We have learned to identify the rightful opportunities by adapting sustainable educational practices, thus gaining trust from students and industries. This is something that only comes from age and experience.
2- National Recognition – ITS- The Education Group has been accredited with NBA, NAAC, ISO, CSIR, DSIR, and IIC for its credibility, innovation & excellence. Further more, our colleges have been renowned with ‘The Institute of the year’ in North India, NIRF ranked institute, ARIIA listed institute amongst many others. This is all due to the to the relentless efforts by my father/ family and the management into making the group to what it is today and will continue to be.
3-Holistic Industry Connect – Our group doesn’t simply restrict the curriculum to academics. We also encompass industrial practices, workshops, expert talks, national and international conferences, sports, co-curricular & extracurricular activities, and lifelong learning skills, thus transforming them into successful future leaders in their respective fields.
4- Excellent Industry Placements- Our institutions have often been classified as the best placement college for offering jobs to the maximum number of students in engineering, management, IT, Dental and pharmacy. Some of the top premium recruiters include Wipro, IBM, Byjus, Deloitte, Clove Dental, HDFC Bank, Airtel, India Mart, LG, Oppo, etc.
5- Reaching out to the Society- Our group drives by the motto to serve the society and nation. We strive to offer an extra supporting hand to the unprivileged sections of society through free girl-child education, medical care, and satellite centers. We focus more on giving than taking. We hope our students adopt the same morals and give back to the needy to serve a healthy nation.
Ques.6- What does ITS do to emphasize experiential learning to prepare future-ready professionals?
Ans: The mission of our institution is to bridge the gap between academia and the industry requirements which is done through training the students with the requisite technical and non-technical skills.
For our engineering and management students, industrial exposure is possible from various channels through industrial visits, clinical exposure, expert talks, international conferences, internships, and workshops. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, laboratories, and modern learning practices, we have designed our curriculum to suit the needs of engineering, business, medical, and scientific research in a healthy growing environment.
Students are provided skill training from day one of their semesters. This includes technical, non-technical, and confidence-building skills. We encourage our students to pursue certificate courses related to their core field and participate in co-curricular activities. By the time the placement drive begins, the students are well-versed in their chosen technologies. With these ventures, we can transform our students into future-ready professionals.
For our dental students, we have disrupted the education model by segmenting the student batches into smaller groups for a more personalized teaching and guidance. Smaller batches allow students to have a better and deeper understanding of dentistry concepts and enables them to provide comprehensive treatment and care to the same patient.
Also, in our pursuit of embracing leading technology in dentistry, we have introduced Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) machine which allows my students to perform full 3D imaging while diagnosing patients. We have also introduced Oral Scanners (from Israel) which provide a detailed analysis of the dental ailment and automatically generate entire treatment models. We have special Implantology clinic where students work on dental implants, one of the most complex yet path-breaking advancements in dentistry. Such leading technology hands-on allows students to provide better treatment to their patients, once they start their own clinic, or join one. And for that, we have special sessions on practice management by leading dentists where we prepare our students understanding the specific considerations before venturing into opening their own clinic.
To reiterate, our group believes in the holistic development of students. We don’t restrict their education to academics only. We also encompass industrial practices, workshops, sports, co-curricular & extracurricular activities, and lifelong skill learning within our pedagogy. Our education practices enhance their ability to learn and innovate, thus transforming them into successful future leaders in their respective fields.
ITS Engineering College promote knowledge based and technology-driven start-ups by harnessing innovative minds and their innovation potential in todays world













One week #AICTE sponsored #ATAL #FDP on Internet of Things (IOT) with Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
One week #AICTE sponsored #ATAL #FDP on Internet of Things (IOT) with Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering successfully organized a One Week #AICTE sponsored #ATAL #FDP on “Internet of Things (IOT) with Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence”.
Smart Down Rod

Smart Down Rod Invented by I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida.
ITS Engineering College awarded Gold Rank in the ranking for 2020

ITS Engineering College has been ranked in the Gold Category in the prestigious annual rankings conducted by Confederation of Indian Industry for the role of the higher education institutions who have strived hard to establish an excellent industrial connect and linkage vis-e-vis its counterpart by regular contributions. This has got the media coverage on Facewarta and Ten news
International Yoga Day-2021

I.T.S Engineering College, one of the Premier Institution in the field of Engineering and Management Education organised a Yoga session on the occasion of Seventh International Yoga Day. This has got the media coverage on Deshbandhu and
World environment day

I.T.S Engineering College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in a small way to celebrate World Environment Day. This has got the media coverage on Hindustan
ITS Engineering College made vaccination center

ITS Engineering College made vaccination center. This has got the media coverage on Deshbandhu
Virtual industrial visit organized in ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida
Virtual Industrial Visit organized in ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida on 19th April 2021. This has got the media coverage on Deshbandhu , Dabang Duniya and
One Week AICTE sponsored ATAL FDP on Internet of Things (IOT)

ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, successfully organized a One Week AICTE sponsored ATAL FDP on Internet of Things (IOT). The FDP was based on the emerging field of “Internet of Things”. During the FDP, eminent speakers from industry and academia delivered their talks. This has got the media coverage on Amar Ujala and
International Women’s Day

ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, celebrated the International Women’s Day on 9th March, 2021. The primary aim of organizing the event was to spread awareness about women empowerment and help them get their rights to face global challenges and meets their needs. This has got the media coverage on Vision live and
One Week Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning”

ITS Engineering College, one of the Premier Institution in the field of Engineering and Management Education organized a one-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Machine Learning” by various eminent Professors from NITs and IITs, IIITs and Central Universities also. This has got the media coverage on
Wireless Milk Boil Control Unit

Wireless milk boil control unit invented by ITS Engineering College Greater Noida. This has got the media coverage on Newz India
Celebration of Basant Panchami

Celebration of Basant Panchami. This has got the media coverage on The Pioneer and
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida Celebrated Parakram Diwas on the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of great freedom fighter and patriot Subhash Chandra Bose. This has got the media coverage on Amar Ujala , Hindustan , Grano News and Visionlive News
Industry Expert Talk on “Digital Television Revolution”

ITS Engineering College organized an expert talk “Digital Television Revolution”. The talk was delivered by eminent personality Dr. Kaushik Saha (CTO, Samsung-R&D Institute India). This has got the media coverage on Amar Ujala , , Visionlive News and Facewarta
ITS College gets five-star rating statuses by Ministry of Education

Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has rated Institute Innovation Council (IIC), ITS Engineering College with 5 Star rating for undertaking various activities prescribed by Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. The object was to promote the Innovation and Start-up in campus during the IIC calendar year 2019-20. ITS Engineering College has been listed in top 125 institute of India as Mentor to promote and mentor the other institution for promoting Innovation and start-up in their campus. By achieving highest score in ranking, ITS Engineering College has been ranked 1st in northern zone colleges. This has got the media coverage on Amar Ujala , , Visionlivenews and Facewarta
B. Tech 1st Year Orientation Program

The Department of Applied Science & Humanities, I.T.S Engineering College, organized its 15th Orientation Program for B. Tech first year students through online mode with great verve and vigor. The program was organized on the Zoom platform given the pandemic situation. Although the orientation programme was conducted via online mode, it was filled with energy and excitement due to the good number of freshers. This has got the media coverage on Navbharat Times , Visionlivenews and
“World Science Day for Peace and Development”

Applied Science and Humanities Department, I.T.S Engineering College, Gr. Noida celebrated “World Science Day for Peace and Development” on 10th Nov 2020 with an event based upon Poster Competition on the theme “Science for Peace and Development”. This has got the media coverage on Deshbandhu
Workshop on “Basics of Pneumatic Technology”

The Mechanical Engineering Department of ITS Engineering College organized a 2 days online workshop on “Basics of Pneumatic Technology” at COE: SMC Pneumatics of ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida. This has got the media coverage on Deshbandhu and Facewarta
National Engineer's Day Celebration

ITS Engineering College Celebrates National Engineer's Day on 15th September 2020. This has got the media coverage on navbharat times
Hindi Diwas Celebration

ITS Engineering College Celebrates Hindi Diwas on 14th September 2020. This has got the media coverage on navbharat times
Teacher's Day Celebration

ITS Engineering College Celebrates Teachers Day on 5th September 2020. This has got the media coverage on Amar Ujala , Deshbandhu , Visionlive and Facewatra
Online Chess Tournament

ITS Engineering College Greater Noida successfully organized its first Online Chess Tournament. This has got the media coverage on Amar Ujala , Deshbandhu and Vision Live News
ARIIA Rank - ITS Engineering College Ranks among Top 25 in India

ARIIA (Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements) announced by the Ministry of Education, Government of India today, ITS Engineering College has been ranked among Top 25 innovative higher education private universities/institutions across India.
This has got the media coverage on Dainik Jagran , Amar Ujala , Deshbandhu , Samwad Express , Ten News , Vision Live News , NCR Live and Face Warta
ELMO- The Smart Electric Car

ELMO- The Smart Electric Car Invented by I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida.
This has got the media coverage on Dainik Jagran-Noida , The Pioneer and Dainik Jagran-GZB
E- International Faculty Development Program on “Lab VIEW & Real-Time Data Acquisition”

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, I.T.S. Engineering College organized an orientation of E- International FDP on“LabVIEW & Real-Time Data Acquisition” on National Instruments (NI’s) platform.
This has got the media coverage on Samvadexp .com
Skill-Based Education is Essential For Industry-Ready Engineers

Striving to inculcate Entrepreneurial thought process, ITS Engineering College guides its students to start their own businesses (startups) when they complete their programs. “The college has NewGen IEDC , Start-up Cell & Business Incubation Centers in the campus in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology and also with the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. In fact, ITS recently received funding of Rs.2.87 Crores and Rs.44 lakhs from MSME & DST. Once the prototype is ready, the college supports them in getting their patents/intellectual property registered. Also, if the student is looking to start the business for a scalable and marketable idea, the college also provides seed funding. The college supports the entire business activity, including space, power, equipment and logistic requirements”
This has got the media coverage on,,,,,,, and
Rapid Currency Sanitizing Machine

Rapid Currency Sanitizing Machine Invented by ITS engineering college, Greater Noida.
This has got the media coverage on Navbharat Times , Deshbandhu and Amar Ujala
Career Road Map after B-Tech

This gives an immense pleasure to start another new webinar series “Straight talk with Alumni” with our Chit-Chat Guest#3– Mr. Sunil Yadav , alumini of ITS engineering College Batch :- 2010-14 (ME).
This has got the media coverage in Deshbandhu
Webinar of Employability – Skill Vs Knowledge

This was yet another power pack webinar session with more than 90+ students participation in Fireside Chat webinar series Guest#9- Ms. Geetha Thaigarajan - India Head of HR and Global HRBP - Retail, FINASTRA Financial Services Ltd, Bangalore.
This has got the media coverage in Navbharat Times and Samvadexp .com
Sports and Achievements of ITS Engineering College

For the first time in the history of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh a Zonal Level Kabaddi sports competition was organized in which ITS Engineering College won the Gold Medal.
The College also won Silver Medal in Chess and Shotput.
Moreover, Our Girl student, Sakshi Gupta grabbed a Bronze Medal in 200m race.
Achievements in AKTU zonal competition:
Kabaddi Boys = GOLD
Chess Boys = SILVER
200m Race Girls = BRONZE
ShotPut Boys = SILVER
This has got the media coverage on fab world today
ITS Engineering College is the Best Institute in North

India has been producing quality engineers since the early 90s. And this craze and passion for engineering have been growing gradually since then. And adding to the list comes to Management specifically MBA as a course that gave these young talents the quality to handle and administer the companies which were previously out of their reach.
In this race to become engineers and Masters of Business Administration, there has been a series of new engineering institutes growing in India since the beginning of this century.
This has got the media coverage on verna magazine
Exposure and Achievements at ITS Engineering College

Talking about engineering and management institutes, one of the most important things is the exposure of the students to work like conditions and achievements they get during their campus life.
ITS Engineering College has been pioneering in providing industry like exposure to its students since 2006.
This has got the media coverage on 3wnews, issuewire and headlineplus
Life in ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida

While talking about engineering colleges, it is important to know about the life a student will live in it, the quality of education he will get there, and also at the same time the most important thing which is placement opportunities from the college.
As engineering and management have been growing rapidly as some of the most popular branches among students in India, where students compete to get into the best institutes of the country. It is important to look at the demands of the students from their campus life.
This has got the media coverage on 3wnews and headlineplus
Online Short Term Training Program on "PLC & SCADA”

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ITS Engineering College organized Two Days Online Short Term Training Program on "PLC & SCADA". The event was started by welcome address by Prof. Upendra K. Agarwal, HOD, EEE department, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida to our guest and Industry Expert - Er. Manish Dubey, Automation Expert, Sofcon India Pvt. Ltd.
This has got the media coverage in Navbharat Times and
Celebrates World Environment Day 2020

ITS Engineering College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in a small way to celebrate World Environment Day coordinated by Dr P. C Jha. Dr. Vikas Singh, Executive Director, ITS Engineering College after planting sapling urged everyone to come together in fighting the global menace of Pollution and decreasing biodiversity.
This has got the media coverage in AmarUjala and
Online Coding Competition “CODIGO-2K20

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized an event “CODIGO-2K20” for all branches of B. Tech students on an online platform. The event had three rounds which were executed in a proper sequence.
The first round was “General Technical Questions” related to computer science which had a total of 200 participants, who participated in that round.
This has got the media coverage in Deshbandhu, and
“KRISHNA-The Multifunctional Robot”

Developed by team ITS engineering college in collaboration with central of advance studies, AKTU has build a multifunctional Robot to help and support covid warriors and to fight covid 19.
This has got the media coverage in Hindustan Times, Amar Ujala, Rastriya Sahara, Deshbandhu, Amar Ujala (LKO), Rastriya Sahara (LKO) and Hindustan (LKO)
Book “Paper To Screen – The Future Of Education” By Dr. Vikas Singh For Helping In Migration To Online Education

Dr. Vikas Singh, Executive Director of ITS Education Group , Greater Noida has authored a very timely book on use of Online Education in place of regular class room teaching. This book is written with a purpose to help the fellow teachers, students, and parents during the lock-down that is happening because of pandemic COVID 19.
This book is available at Amazon; Kindle; Google Books; and Google Play Store.
ITS - The Education Group contributed Rs. 5.51 lakh for "PM Cares Fund"

Dr. R P Chadha, Honorable Chairman, ITS - The Education Group contributed Rs. 5.51 lakh for "PM Cares Fund" and cheque has been handed over to Honorable General V K Singh, Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways, Government of India.
Today when not only India, the whole world is affected by the ravages of corona virus infection, various types of activities are being conducted by ITS - The Education Group and every effort is being made at their level to make this difficult and odd In the situation, the people who are affected and the section of the society who lacks facilities, their support and basic needs can be met.
ITS - The Education Group has always been alert and prompt about its role. Today, even in this challenging day, as always, various types of programs are being run by the organization at its own level, in which the poor and people with large infrastructure, who have a problem with basic facilities, get food every day. Packets and packaged drinking water bottles are being distributed which can be taken care of those troubled people!
Previous Media Updates
International Pi Day

ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida celebrated the World Pi Day on March 14th (3/14). Pi (Greek letter “”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14.
The discovery of this never ending number (3.14159 . . .) and Einstein's birthday coincided on the same day. Albert Einstein was a German born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity. This day is celebrated to pay respect to all physicists and mathematicians.
One day workshop on Robotics & IOT

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ITS Engineering College Greater Noida organized One Day Workshop on Robotics & IOT for B.Tech students
National Science Day

I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida celebrated its annual National Science Day by Indian physicist Raman Effect on 28 February 1928.Sir C V Raman on 28 February 1928. The event was graced by Dr. Vikas Singh- Executive Director of I.T.S Engineering College; Dr. Gagan Deep Arora - Dean Academics & Administration; Dr. Sanjay Yadav - Dean Students’ Welfare and Prof. O.P. Chaudhary - Head of the host department (Applied Science and Humanities).
Entrepreneurship Development Program

ITS Engineering College, Gr. Noida, is conducting a 25 days Entrepreneurship Development Program from 24th Feb to 28th Mar 2020. The program is fully sponsored by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) and Department of Science and Technology-Govt. of India (DST) under DST-NIMAT Project. This program is proposed to impart knowledge, understanding & Skills to foster entrepreneurial competencies and to envision new perspectives in this domain area. This program creates an awareness of the need and importance of entrepreneurship and encourages young entrepreneurs to become successful in life.
"FRIENDLY CRICKET MATCH ED XI vs Dean XI" organized in I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida

ITS Engineering College has organized a Friendly Cricket Match ED11 vs Dean11, Teams will be lead by Executive Director Dr Vikas Singh and Dean (AA) Dr Gagan Deep Arora.
Sales Mastery Workshop for MBA Students

The sales profession is changing before our eyes. The convergence of automation, data analytics, process dis-integration, hyper-connectivity, and hyper-specialization are redefining the role of the salesperson, opening up new sales strategies, and shifting sales tactics. To succeed in this market, one needs to evolve and grow continually and be on the path of Mastery.
ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida celebrates B. Tech and MBA 1st Year Orientation Program
The Departments of Applied Science & Humanities and Management Studies, under the aegis of ITS Engineering College, organized their 14th and 11th Orientation Program for B. Tech and MBA first year students respectively with great verve and vigour. The program that took place from 19th August to 23rd August, 2019 had a plethora of events ranging from academics to literary and cultural. The venue for the program was Sardar Patel Auditorium that was filled with energy and excitement due to a heavy footfall of freshers.

Expert Talk by Mr. Praveen Kumar on “Internet of Things”

The opening of program was made by welcoming Mr. Praveen Kumar with a bouquet of flowers by Dr. Ashish Kumar, HOD-CSE, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida followed by a introductory speech by Mr. Abhishek Shivhare, Assistant Professor of CSE department. Mr. Kumar is a Technologist (Developer, designer and tester), Speaker and Trainer and has worked in companies like LIS Technology and Robosapiens and is currently working as System Engineer in TCS, Gurgaon.

Mata Ki Chowki
Mata Ki Chowki
" Mata ki Chowki 2022 " organized in I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida.

Orientation Programme (MBA XIV Batch 2022-24)
Orientation Programme (MBA XIV Batch 2022-24)
Department of MBA, I.T.S. Engineering College organized Orientation Programme to welcome MBA 14th Fresher Batch 2020-22 on 23rd November 2022 at Raman Hall. The Programme was inaugurated with welcome and briefing by Prof. Sana Vakeel. After that Prof. Sachin Sinha, HOD MBA took session on USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of MBA at ITS Engineering College


Teacher Award Ceremony
Teacher Award Ceremony
ITS Engineering College has always been supportive of research oriented faculty members and have provided them with a work culture conducive to them in the pursuit of their research goals. Keeping this rare tradition alivein the current educational scenario, the institute has not only duly acknowledged the academic contributions of its faculty members, but also rewarded them with monetary benefits under its research and development policy.
B. Tech 1st Year Orientation Program
B. Tech 1st Year Orientation Program
The Department of Applied Science & Humanities, under the aegis of I.T.S Engineering College, organized their 17th Orientation Program for B. Tech first year students respectively with great verve.
