Student Activities

Avant Garde (Student Activities Society - Computer Sc.)
The main objective of Departmental Technical Society-“AVANT-GARDE”- is to encourage students to prove their worth through organizing technical events. ‘AVANT-GARDE’- a technical society that inculcates and brings up student’s high spirits. It is a society that truly proves the unity amongst the whole Computer Science & Engineering Department.

Envision (Student Activities Society - Electronics & Comm.)
Envision Society has an objective of developing, promoting and honing the practical technical and managerial skills of the students of Electronics & Communication engineering department. Society plays a vital role in the development of students as engineers by various out-of-curriculum and extracurricular activities. Envision aims to inculcate among its members an awareness and appreciation of the various disciplines of not just ECE but also other relevant fields. With the needs of the students as the priority, society organizes event all-year round to help them discover and develop their talent.

Ergon (Student Activities Society - Electrical Engg)
ERGON is the departmental professional society of EEE which is constituted with the focus on overall development of student by their involvement in organizing the various activities at institute level which inculcate the leadership and organizing skills in themselves. Also they get exposed with planning and execution of any program including technical, social and financial aspects. The major events which are being conducted on regular basis are Quiz completion, Poster competition, Mock Interviews, Engineer’s day celebration, Vishwakarma Pooja, Teacher’s day Celebration etc. Presently this society is headed by Ms. Snigdha Sharma, Assistant Professor, EEE department.

Mech Impulse (Student Activities Society - Mechanical)
Club Events
The Society organizes various events all through the year to enable students to enhance their technical as well as non technical skills. Our events are aimed at providing an opportunity of cultural and technical expression to students. It routinely organizes workshops on various design and simulation software like Autocad, Solidworks, CNC, etc, which provides much needed exposure to the real life engineering problems, both technical as well as managerial kind by organizing industrial tours visits, lectures on topics of general interests and seminars of specific interest etc.Besides this, it also organizes fresher's welcome, farewell for the graduating students and happy hours throughout the year. It also serves as an interface between the students and the faculty and strives for improvement in student-faculty interaction.

Mega-Build (Student Activities Society - Civil Engg.)

IEEE Societies
In collaboration with Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical and professional society, the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has various working chapters as given below
Student Branch_IEEESTB_16051
IEEE student branch is actively working in department in organizing various workshops, seminars, quizzes, paper presentations, project competition and other technical activities for students across all branches. This society is designed to help students to learn more about electrical applications into the presentation, research, design and manufacturing of projects. This society is focusing in collaboration with research institutions, colleges and universities to gain understanding in what entities are doing, and networking to further help the electrical engineering program.
The Power & Energy Society (PES) provides the world's largest forum for sharing the latest in technological developments in the electric power industry, for developing standards that guide the development and construction of equipment and systems, and for educating members of the industry and the general public. Members of the Power & Energy Society are leaders in this field, and they — and their employers — derive substantial benefits from involvement with this unique and outstanding association.
IEEE WIE Society
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is an organizational unit of IEEE. It is overseen by the Women in Engineering Committee, a standing commttee of the IEEE Board of Directors. By membership, however, it can be considered the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. The mission of IEEE WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide. The vision of IEEE WIE is a vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.

Robowar and Roborace Victory at AKTU

Winners of DrishTI- online Exam Conducted by Texas Instruments Pvt. Ltd.

Rank in National level Event at IISc Bangalore
Two ECE students: Abhishek K Jaiswal (3rd Yr) & Satyam Jaiswal (3rd Yr), secured Fourth rank in national level event "4th Youth Conference Jagruti 2020" at IISc Bangalore on 24th and 25 January 2020.

Winners in Robo Race zonal level event at Skyline Institute of Engineering, Greater Noida
Suhail (7thSem ECE), Abhishek Jaiswal (5thSem ECE) and Tushar Verma (3rdSem ECE) secured first position in Robo Race event organized by Skyline Institute of Engineering, Greater Noida on 8th – 9th Nov, 2019.

Winners at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
A team of students from ECE, CSE and ME department has bagged both first and second prize in the Inter college Robo Race competition held at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology on 19 FEB 2020.
The team members (secured first prize):
Tushar Verma (ECE 2nd year)
Aakash Goyal(ME 2nd year )
Ravindra Singh (ECE 2nd year)
Vishal (ECE 2nd year)
The team members (secured second prize):
Sagar Kumar Thakur (ECE 2nd year)
Aakash (CSE 2nd year)
Rishav Kumar (ECE 2nd year)