Scale New Heights

NAAC Appeal

Criterion 1 Curricular Aspects

1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well-planned and documented process 

Session plan

Criterion 2 Teaching Learning and Evaluation
Criterion 3 Research, Innovations and Extension
Criterion 4 Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/journals during the last five years

4.3.1 Institution IT facilities update for Academic Session 2022-23                                     

4.3.1 Institution IT facilities update for Academic Session 2021-22                               

4.3.2 Student Computer ratio

Criterion 5 Student Support and Progression

5.1.5 Redressal of grievances

-Anti Ragging

-Women Empowerment

5.3.3 Participation in Sports and Cultural Activity

Criterion 6 Governance, Leadership and Management

6.4.1 Expenditure Statement for Last Five Years 

6.5.1 Academic Audit Sample Copy

Criterion 7 Institutional values and best practices