Project Based Learning
The students are encouraged to take up challenging projects of practical relevance as part of their curriculum. In the beginning of the seventh semester, the students can choose their projects either from amongst those suggested by the Department or of their own.
The Department sponsors the visits of the students to industries and national labs, if required for the selection of projects. Thus, most of the students of the Department choose implementation based projects. At the outset of the project, the students make a preliminary analysis of the problem and are given a choice to select their project guides.

At the end of the semester, the students are required to submit the software requirement specification and the design document. Listed below are some of the projects executed by the students of the Department:
- Regression Testing of Mobile Application on Cloud using Test droid.
- Software Testing & Basic Concepts of Automation with QTP Tool.
- Fuzzy Control on Blood Pressure.
- Voice Based e-Mail System for Blind.
- Signature Based Intrusion Detection System.
- Airport Security System using Thumb Impression.
- Speaker Recognition Using MATLAB.
- Face Recognition using Neural Network.
- Easy Wait.
- Gaya-Bodh Gaya City information.
- Land Information, Bihar.
- Online Vehicle parking System.
- Road Safety App.
- Finger Print Security with Online Shopping in iOS Application.