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Technology Based Training

Faculty of the department are training the students on recent and demanding technologies. They are actively engaged in the various thrust areas.  Some of them are listed below:-

Industrial Automation   B.Tech Mechanical Engineering at ITS

Industrial Automation

Compute Numerical    Control  (commonly called CNC) is the automated control  of machining  tools (drills, boring tools, lathes) and 3D printing  by means of  a computer . A CNC machine processes a piece of material (metal, plastic, wood, ceramic, or composite) to meet specifications by following a coded programmed instruction and without a manual operator

Tech based learning   B.Tech Mechanical Engineering at ITS

Industrial Automation

Industrial automation is pervading most industries these days. It wouldn’t be surprising if much of the industrial intelligentsia have already begun looking into the prospects of automobiles, precision agriculture, smart manufacturing, or digital medicine. And these industries, including automotive, aren’t novice to automation technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) or machine learning.

The recent deterring speech by automotive titan Tesla CEO Elon Musk on the use of level-5 AI and robotics in automobiles made one thing clear: the stellar leaps in current automation and robotics are indeed causing shockwaves and beaming our industries into the future, which may usher in a new industrial revolution. Collaborative robots, robotic arms and the Internet of Things coupled with AI are already producing a large part of the automobile chassis, power trains and other components in some companies.

Hydraulics and Pneumatics   B.Tech Mechanical Engineering at ITS

Hydraulics and Pneumatics

The technique of using liquid for power transmission is called as hydraulics while which uses gases for power transmission is called Pneumatics. In most hydraulic systems, mineral oils will be used while in most pneumatic systems, atmospheric air will be used. An incredible range of manufacturing systems use the force and power of fluids such as water, oil and air.

Powered clamp open and close with the force of pressurized air or oil, large presses shape and form metal with hydraulic pressure and assembly torque tools fasten components with pressurized air. In each example, fluid power provide the energy necessary to exert significant mechanical forces.

Solid Works   B.Tech Mechanical Engineering at ITS


SolidWorks is a solid modeling  computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) computer program that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. While it is possible to run SolidWorks on MacOS, It is not supported by SolidWorks. 

Over two million engineers and designers at more than 165,000 companies were using SolidWorks as of 2013. Also, according to the company, fiscal year 2011–12 revenue for SolidWorks totalled $483 million. solid modeler, and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach which was initially developed by PTC (Creo/Pro-Engineer) to create models and assemblies. The software is written on Parasolid The Solidworks have wide range of applications in industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Automotive, Transportation and Machinery.