Centre of Excellence
Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Instruments (NI) Innovation Centre
National instruments innovation center, center of excellence was established in 2015 under the department of electronic and communication Engineering in collaboration with National Instruments pvt. Ltd the world’s largest company dedicated to virtual instrumentation technology.
This center has complete NI platform of both software and hardware as LabVIEW-2015 (Full Development System, Professional Development System, Vision Development Module, etc.), Multisim, NI MyRIO, NI MyDAQ, Wireless Sensor Network, ELVIS Board, NI Smart Camera, Robotic starter kit Mechatronics kits etc.

Program Benefits
This course is meant to boost the career growth of engineering students, professionals. To equip them with tools that accelerates productivity, innovation and discovery.

Training for Skill Development
Highly interactive course for effective learning
Understand Concepts through hands-on learning
Projects and Research (Innovation Platform for engineering professionals )
International Certification (CLAD, CLD, CLA)

Program Details
40 Hours training with hands-on
Module 1: Basics of Lab VIEW
Module 2: Lab VIEW Advance
Lab VIEW Interface with NI Hardware
Preparation for International Certification

Learning Outcomes
Students will get more chance of getting employability.
Students will have an ability to understand the concept of programming on LabVIEW
Students will be able to understand the mechanism of automation.
Students will be able to understand the mechanism of testing
Students will be able to demonstrate project.
Students will be able to qualify the CLAD exam.
Students will be able to solve industrial real time problems
Infrastructure Facilities
Licensed based NI Software (Lab VIEW ,Multisim)
National Instruments Hardware (my RIO, my DAQ, WSN, ELELVIS Board, Smart Camera.

Module 1

Module 2