e-Yantra Embedded Systems and Robotics COE
This center of excellence was established to promote participation of students in National and International Level Robotics Competitions and get enhanced in Embedded and Robotics skills to get summer internship with IIT Bombay and Embedded Systems and Robotics Industries leading to quality placements or opening up their own ventures as entrepreneurs. Embedded systems are special-purpose computing systems embedded in application environments or in other computing systems and provide specialized support. The decreasing cost of processing power, combined with the decreasing cost of memory and the ability to design low-cost systems on chip, has led to the development and deployment of embedded computing systems in a wide range of application environments. Examples include network adapters for computing systems and mobile phones, control systems for air conditioning, industrial systems, and cars, and surveillance systems.

The importance of embedded systems is continuously increasing considering the breadth of application fields where they are used. Also the recent developments in the robotics world has made robots more user friendly, intelligent, and most importantly affordable. With these benefits of robotics it is no wonder that they have found jobs in every field. That is right, from industrial manufacturing to the medical field robots are being used. The benefits of robots have increased their flexibility with being capable of performing a variety of tasks and applications. They are more precise and consistent than human workers. Robots also allow for increased production and profit margin because they can complete tasks faster. Robots have the ability to work around the clock since they do not require vacations, sick days, or breaks. They also make fewer mistakes than humans, saving company’s time.
To harness the intellectual talent of young India to create utility based robotic applications for usage across variety of applications such as: agriculture, manufacturing, defense, home, city maintenance and services industries.
In collaboration with e-Yantra, IIT Bombay
Course Details
· Introduction to Embedded Systems.
· Introduction to Embedded C Programming.
· Exploring the Firebird V Robot and its different configurations.
· Input-Outputs on Atmega 2560 and Buzzer Interfacing.
· Input output interfacing: Control of DC motors(Motion control on Firebird V).
· Input output interfacing: Pulse Width Modulation (Velocity control on Firebird V).
· LCD Interfacing.
· Interrupts.
· Interfacing different sensors with Firebird V Robot.
· Reading sensor value using ADC.
· Interfacing Accelerometer with ATmega2560 in Firebird V Robot.
· Controlling servo Motor using Atmega 2560.
· Constructing a Line Follower.
· Obstacle detector using Firebird V.
· Mounting zigbee modules for Wi Fi connectivity of firebird V and control through web (WWW).
3. Engineering Professionals.

- · In year 2019, Students won a Gold medal in State level Robo Race competition organized by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical Univeristy.
- · In year 2019, Students secured first position in Zonal level Robo Race competition organized by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, 2019.
- · In year 2019, 07 teams of students qualified for e-YRC competition.
- · One team qualified for pre-final round of e-YRC competition defeating thousand other from all across the country, the result of pre-final round is awaited.
- · Students bagged several prizes in various State and National level competitions.
- · Students got the opportunity of doing the internships in MNCs of repute like ST Microelectronics.
- · The knowledge earned through the training has been reflected in their final year projects.