Faculty Development Program

Security of web is a major concern today. The course highlighted major areas where Cyber Security and cryptographic algorithms may be applied to enhance security feature in these areas. Some of the cyber-attacks/areas focused were:
1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
2. Intrusion Detection system(tool is Suricata)/Intrustion Protection System
3. Network sniffer tool Wireshark
4. Penetration testing
5. Stress testing
6. Cain and Abel tool for network security
7. Case study of different crimes
8. System and mobile Audit
9. Image steganography and stress testing
In addition remedy to overcome such situations was also elaborated with suitable examples. Overall understanding and academic environment was highly motivating and learning.
The Valedictory program of Faculty Development Program on “Industrial Automation” sponsored by TEQIP – III (Dr. A.P.J AKTU, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow) for one week held in I.T.S Engineering College Greater Noida on 26.07.2019. Ms. Avneet Kaur (Cetpa Infotech Pvt Ltd), Sh. Anil Kumar Goel (Deputy General Manager, NTPC) were the distinguished speakers of the 5th day of the FDP.

APJAKTU Sponsored IEEE International Conference on “Sustainable Energy, Electronics coMputing Systems”, SEEMS-2018, Oct. 26-27, 2018.

DST & APJAKTU Sponsored IEEE International Seminar on Smart Technologies for Smart City, STechSCity-2018, April 19-20, 2018.

IEEE Student Branch_ 16051, Department of EEE has organized a One Day Workshop on “Circuit Design using MULTISIM” for Second Year EEE & ECE B.Tech Students. It was organized in Centre of Excellence of National Instruments, I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida on Feb. 9, 2019.

Workshop on “Solar Power Storage: Li-Ion Battery” Organized by IEEE Student Branch _STB16051, Department of EEE on 31/10/2018.
The Department of MBA organized the 3rd session of the Staff Development Programme (SDP) for all the staff members of ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, on Friday, January 24, 2020. The training was focused on the topic “Self Analysis and Self Development’’ and was conducted by Prof. (Dr.) Vikas Singh,Executive Director, I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida.
The session enlightened the participants on how they can improve their self awareness to become more effective in their personal, social and work life.Staff members from different departments of the college attended this highly interactive session.
In today’s dynamic world, it is important to have self development in life. Dr. Singh talked about various ways of having development in life. He also talked about the importance of having short and long term goals for achieving success and happiness in life. At the end of the programme, participants shared their personal experiences on self awareness and self development. Overall, this interactive session turned out to be a great learning experience for all participants.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of ITS Engineering College organised its Faculty Colloquium on Saturday, 23rd November, 2019 in Naidu Hall.
The intellectual event had interesting session by Prof. Parul Aggarwal (Department of MBA).
Prof. Parul deliver the talk on “#EmotionalIntelligence” in which she discussed about how emotional intelligence can be a key to success in your #life – especially in your #career. She focused on the main components of EI & discuss various ways to #boost the #Emotional #Intelligence level at the #workplace.
The #colloquium was well attended by the Executive Director of the college- Dr. Vikas Singh and Dr. O P Chaudhay, HoD ASH , Dr Sunita Shukla, HoD MBA and Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra was also present during the event with other esteemed faculty members.