About Library
Role of library in education is not confined to elementary and secondary education alone. It is much more important in higher and professional education. It would not be an exaggeration to say that a library is an essential pre requisite for successful implementation of higher educational programmes. Books are sure media for knowing the latest trends in knowledge. Without the help and ready availability of a library, no formal educational programmes can be justified.
I.T.S Engineering College has a very rich collection of printed and non-printed documents. This section has qualitative collection of material covering almost all titles/ books along with some valuable costly collection. The reference section books will only be issued for a particular period to be used within library campus / reading hall. The collection of books in the library covers almost all the thrust areas of Engineering branches, Management, Applied Sciences and Professional English language. Apart from text and reference books, the library is subscribing to national & international journals / magazines. Almost all important newspapers are also on subscription.
Library – Infrastructure

934 sqm area with Wi-Fi.
More than 280 seating capacity.
Digital library with 10 access point.
Video lectures facilities.
Current & competitive section for students preparing for GATE, CAT, MAT and others.
Knowledge Resources
The college has spacious well-stocked modern library available to the students, faculty and staff. Latest information in terms of text & reference books, magazines, periodicals, journals, e-journals, news papers, project report, competitive books, CD’s & videos have been procured for intellectual nourishment. It is fully computerized, networked and will have separate digital library giving connectivity with Indian/Global data bases. Further, college is providing unique feature of Book Bank facility through which each student gets requisite books for all subjects according to academic requirements. This facility will be additional to his/her entitlement of books issued on their library cards.
Library Automation
In this information era, information and automation are two preliminary requirements to survive and compete. Information helps us to keep update with the latest trends in this frequent changing world, while automation eases the retrieval of information and saves time. Library has been fully computerized with the help of “Alice for Windows” – the library automation software, which facilitates the end user with his/her kind of requirement within short span of time. The library will introduce barcode technology in its lending operations and provide OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) for users to allow them to search the detailed information of the required resource.
Library Hours
Monday-Saturday: 9.00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday and Holidays: Closed
(Self reading area for students is kept open from 9 AM to 5 PM on Sunday/Holiday)
Special arrangements are made to keep the Library open up to 10 O’clock before and during the minor and major examinations.
Digital Library
The Digital Library provides visual media in all formats to support teaching and research. The collection includes DVDs and CD-ROMs for use by ITSEC faculty, staff and students within the library. The collection is constantly being updated and expanded to address the specific study and research needs of the ITSEC community. There are 10 multimedia PCs for use on a walk-in basis in the Digital Library. Users can access Digital Library from anywhere in the campus through IP. An online catalogue of CDs / DVDs is also available for their reference.
The Institutional Repository DSpace has been recently installed to facilitate the users to access multiple resources like e-Journals, question papers and model solutions, news paper clippings.
The library subscribes to a variety of e-journals including IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package, Springer, ASME, ASCE and Elsevier. The following e- resources are subscribed by the Institute:

Reference Section
The Central Library maintains a separate reference section consisting of text books, reference books, encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and competitive books for GATE, CAT, GRE and GMAT. One copy of each title of Books is kept in Not-For-Issue (NFl)/Reserved Section for the reference of the users within the library only. The Reference Section resources may be issued, if necessary, for overnight after permission from the Senior Librarian.
Reference staff is also available in the reference section/reading section to suggest sources of information and to assist in locating the required resources.
Additional Facilities
News Paper Clippings: Clippings of the latest news related to college events, AICTE, AKTU and other Engineering Colleges are maintained on daily basis for ready reference purposes.
Reprographic Services: The Reprographic Services are extended through an external outfit which operates within Central Library premises for easy access by users. The services include photocopying, scanning, print outs.
Laptop Charging Point, Internet Connecting Point and Wi-Fi: These arrangements facilitate uninterrupted usage of student laptops to allow them work for longer durations.
Faculty Reading Area: A separate space has been provided in the reference section for usage by faculty members.