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Blog tagged as maximum recruitment

Engineering is one field of Education that would continue to attract millions of youth everywhere

By kshatrapalrc

The simple reason being all the great work in the world that is being done by engineers! And engineers are getting paid lucratively for contributing in making the world a better place. Recent market studies reflect that engineering is one of the highest paid professional degrees in the world;
22.04.20 01:25 PM - Comment(s)
Brand Yourself. Think Big. Achieve Big.

Brand Yourself. Think Big. Achieve Big.

By kshatrapalrc

No one bargains in a Nike shop. No one compares the price of Mont Blanc with any ordinary pen. Why? Simply because these products have built a brand name for themselves! So can humans brand themselves?
03.04.20 11:22 AM - Comment(s)

Bridging From College to Corporate

By kshatrapalrc

We at ITS Corporate Resource Center (CRC) strive to achieve excellence and always think ahead to bridge the gap between academia and industry. CRC focuses on right balancing of quality students with quality corporate placements to give equal opp...
22.11.19 07:09 AM - Comment(s)