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Blog tagged as top engineering college

Why should you go for ITS?

Why should you go for ITS?

By Ashutosh Singh

Finally, you have completed your schooling in different regions of India and now you are excited to get into college. If you are confused that which college, you should choose for your further studies.
21.01.21 10:18 AM - Comment(s)
What makes the itsian special 

What makes the itsian special 

By Ashutosh Singh

. T. S. Engineering College is one the best engineering college in Delhi which provides you with many facilities. Being a part of I. T. S. Engineering college you can experience many mind-blowing things like the great support by our faculty for your every step.
19.01.21 11:53 AM - Comment(s)
Technology is saving the world 

Technology is saving the world 

By Ashutosh Singh

Technology is saving the world


Technology helps humankind in simplifying their life. It makes travelling easy, fewer deaths from deadly diseases, better lifestyle, and has solved most of the complicated problems in our life.


Nowadays people are also opposing the developing technology just...

19.01.21 11:29 AM - Comment(s)
Evergreen branch of engineering electronic and communication engineering 

Evergreen branch of engineering electronic and communication engineering 

By Ashutosh Singh

ECE or electronic and communication engineering is one of the derived or secondary branches of engineering whose parental fields are computer and electrical engineering.


ECE engineers have to study a mixed-up course of computer science engineers and electrical engineers and because of this, the...

19.01.21 11:05 AM - Comment(s)
The world makers civil engineers 

The world makers civil engineers 

By Ashutosh Singh

Civil engineering is the oldest branch of engineering in India and this is one of the broadest types of engineering.


Civil engineering requires the proper conditioning, designing of objects, detailing and alignment of roads and other projects and structure for security purposes as they are resp...

19.01.21 10:47 AM - Comment(s)
Mechanical engineering: the royal branch of engineering.

Mechanical engineering: the royal branch of engineering.

By Ashutosh Singh

The mechanical is one of the core branches of engineering and this is the 2nd oldest branch of engineering which was started in India. Mechanical is the gold branch of engineering as it has many preferred sectors for the jobs as government, private, and core.
19.01.21 10:17 AM - Comment(s)
Why focusing on big goals tends to the biggest failure

Why focusing on big goals tends to the biggest failure

By Ashutosh Singh

Everyone in this world tries to focus on achieving big heights in their life but later they get frustrated and many of us give up their goals of achieving big heights.
05.11.20 11:30 AM - Comment(s)
Restore that Mental Peace

Restore that Mental Peace

By Ashutosh Singh

As the world has turned upside down due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, many of us are desperately yearning for a respite from the uncertainty, upheaval, and anxiety brought about by it. We’re longing to calm down our stressed-soaked inner chatter and soothe our frayed nerves.
04.11.20 11:13 AM - Comment(s)

Be an Engineering, Be an ITSian

By Ashutosh Singh

ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida has a vibrant and world class campus. The college is equipped with excellent laboratories, library, facilities with state-of-the-art equipment.
04.11.20 05:08 AM - Comment(s)
College Campus & Infrastructure-

College Campus & Infrastructure-

By Ashutosh Singh

ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida has a vibrant and world class campus. The college is equipped with excellent laboratories, library, facilities with state-of-the-art equipment.
04.11.20 04:34 AM - Comment(s)